建筑 & 工程设计


进入蓬勃发展的设计世界. 我们的课程将为您在包括建筑在内的各种学科的工作做好准备, 工程, 图形, 或设计. 学生获得先进的CAD软件和应用的经验, 让他们毕业时拥有领先的技能.

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对建筑学有什么问题吗 & 工程设计专业? 填好这张表,我们会和你联系的.

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项目课程旨在培养学生解决问题的能力, 批判性思维, 沟通, 以及技术技能. Students are introduced to architecture, interi或设计, building modeling, and sustainable design. 他们获得了CAD软件和3D项目提案演示的宝贵实践. 实习课程让学生接触到设计的职业道路.

建筑 & 工程设计课程说明

ARC 105 -室内设计
This course is designed to provide students with an introduction to interi或设计 and career options in the field. 前ics to be covered include design elements and their application to residential and non-residential interiors; the needs survey of the user; choices of materials, furnishing and components used in interi或设计; and career options, including an overview of the professional preparation required for certification as an interi或设计er.

ARC 106 -建筑学1
This introductory course focuses on light frame construction techniques specifically related to residential dwellings. 本课程包括建筑风格, 建筑材料及构件, 规范, 建筑规范, 并制作施工图. Students will use Revit 建筑 software to produce 3D CAD building models and full sets of working drawings for two-story residential structures.

ARC 107 -可持续设计导论
本课程是一门研究可持续设计和绿色建筑的课程. Students will learn about rating systems for sustainable buildings such as the Leadership in Energy and Environmental 设计 (LEED) and other programs. 主题包括现有和未来的绿色建筑标准和技术, 环境影响, 场地分析和建筑朝向, 被动式和主动式太阳能设计元素, 节约用水, 天照明, 能源系统, 创新设计. 前提条件:ARC 106或eng101

ARC 200 -建筑主题
本课程探讨了建筑和建筑领域的一个专门主题. 学生将学习该主题的基础知识, 包括一般原则和概念, 材料和工具的使用和应用, 以及相关词汇. The goal is to increase the student’s awareness of historical and/or current trends in architecture and construction. 前提条件:ARC 106

ARC 202 -建筑信息建模
本课程以ARC 106的建筑概念为基础, 包括空间规划, 结构组件, 厨房和浴室, 建筑规范, 和3D计算机辅助设计(CAD)模型使用Revit架构. Students take a deeper look at the tools of Revit parametric modeling to develop Building Information Models (BIM) with an emphasis on the implementation of BIM concepts throughout the lifecycle of a building, 从规划设计, 建设和运营. This is a project-based course where students create a complete set of construction documents in full compliance of industry standards and 建筑规范. 前提条件:ARC 106

ARC 204 -综合能源建筑设计
本课程介绍影响建筑物形状的建筑和能源主题. 使用最新的CAD软件, 学生将有效的能源元素纳入设计和规划过程. 这堂课的重点是电学, 管道, 加热要求, and Residential-Check to produce functional drawings in compliance with the International Building Code. 该课程将根据美国的设计理念,整合可持续和经济实惠的设计理念.S绿色建筑委员会. 前提条件:ARC 202

ARC 205 -室内设计II
This course provides an in-depth study of design elements for residential and non-residential interiors including: basic design principles; floor plans, furniture and accessories; codes and standards; as well as analyze and resolve design problems; learn appropriate applications of design materials and offer practical presentation techniques. 前提条件:ARC 105

ARC 207 -施工文件
本课程探讨了设计/构建过程的各个阶段. 学生们将学习如何申请提案, 投标, 估计, 合同, 规范, 建筑规范, 以及政府法规. Emphasis is placed on the use of accurate and complete drawing packages as contractual documents using industry standards such as CSI and AIA. 学生们以团队合作的方式为案例研究提供解决方案. 在课程结束时,每个学生将为整个设计项目开发一个作品集. 先决条件:ARC 202和MAT 127.

ARC 290 -建筑实习
This course provides the student an opportunity to integrate classroom theory and knowledge with the daily practices of a work environment of a company in the architecture or building industry. The course is designed to promote professional development by providing challenging and valuable work experience and prepare students for future careers in the architectural design field. 除了在现场工作135小时, students will also be required to work with their faculty sponsor and to submit written assignments on a regular basis. 先决条件:ARC202,累积GPA为3.0, with at least 30 credits earned in the program of study and permission of the Department Chair.


CAD 102 - CAD入门
向学生介绍CAD软件制作技术图纸. Students will learn the necessary commands and functions to create a variety of two-dimensional drawings. 本课程采用动手的方法,所有主题都直接应用于CAD实验室. 学生应具备熟练的计算机技能.

CAD 107 -实体建模1
本课程介绍使用参数化CAD软件进行三维实体建模的设计概念. 学生将创建具有尺寸和几何约束的模型,并具有参数化特征. 从三维模型,学生将创建注释的二维工程图纸. 这是一门实践课程,所有内容都直接应用于实验室.

CAD 111 -机械设计
本课程介绍机械设计、制造和工程的概念和方法. 本课程包括对制造材料的生肖买马网站, 紧固件的应用和表示, 尺寸标注技术, 焊接过程, 符号应用. 学生将应用工业和工程图形标准到CAD模型, 带注释的部件和组件, 工程图纸. 设计项目将使用2D CAD和3D实体模型的组合来开发. 先决条件:CAD 107

CAD 115 -蓝图阅读
这门入门课程旨在培养批判性思维, 解决问题, 以及技术制图背景下的视觉感知能力. 重点是起草和设计标准, 基于当前的ASME和ANSI标准, 大小描述, 视图的位置, 尺寸标注, 以及工程图纸符号的识别和解释.

CAD 204 -实体建模II
The course focuses on advanced modeling techniques, sheet metal modeling, and 工程 drafting. 从3D模型中,学生将分析组件并开发文档和演示文稿. 本课程以实践和项目为基础,所有内容直接应用于实验室. 先决条件:CAD 107

CAD 210 -计算机辅助制图与设计II
本课程旨在培养你的批判性思维, 解决问题的能力, 并在技术图纸的背景下与介绍性技术的视觉感知. 本课程设计为CAD 102的延续. 重点将放在尺寸和公差上, 分组和详细信息, 三维绘图与建模, 曲面建模和渲染, 实体建模. 先决条件:CAD 102

CAD 214 -几何尺寸和公差
In this course students learn the technical language used to describe dimensional and positional information to ensure interchangeability of parts in manufacturing. 课程内容以ASME Y14为基础.几何尺寸和公差(GD)&T)标准. Students will gain the knowledge to interpret geometric characteristics and feature control symbols on 工程 drawings. 先决条件:cad 115

CAD 220 - CAD管理
This course provides a comprehensive examination of CAD management and is intended for students pursuing careers or those already working in 建筑 or 工程设计. Students will learn the skills required of a CAD manager for creating and enforcing CAD standards, 项目管理, 培训, 与CAD用户和管理人员进行交互, 记录程序, 安装软件和配置CAD系统, 数据和文件管理, 创建定制工具. CAD管理课程强调AutoCAD作为基础软件的知识. 其他CAD软件包括但不限于Revit、SolidWorks、Inventor和CamWorks. 先决条件:107加元和210加元

CAD 251 - 3D演示
In this course students will experiment with different methods and techniques for the presentation of project proposals. The emphasis is on digital modeling as an essential tool f或设计, visualization, and presentation. The fundamental subject matter can be applied to a variety of applications such as consumer products or architectural design. 学生将使用印刷输出、显示板和物理模型创建显示. 先决条件:CAD 210或MUL 125或WEB 133.

290 - CAD实习
This course provides the student an opportunity to integrate classroom theory and knowledge with the daily practices of a work environment of a company that utilizes the drafting and design process. The course is designed to promote professional development by providing challenging and valuable work experience and prepare students for future careers in the drafting and design field. 除了在现场工作135小时, students are required to work with their faculty sponsor and to submit written assignments on a regular basis. 先决条件:CAD 210,累积GPA为3.0, with at least 30 credits earned in the program of study and permission of the Department Chair.


GIS 101 -地理信息系统导论
The intent of this course is to provide the student with a working knowledge of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and to support this information with lab activities. 实验材料将强调GIS数据收集, 条目, 存储, 分析, 并使用GIS软件和可用的在线服务(如U.S. 人口普查局. 重点将放在GIS空间数据的创建、分析和使用上. 先决条件:MAT 098或适当的数学安置考试成绩C级或更高



  • 在设计过程的预开发阶段解释和说明抽象概念
  • 使用CAD软件创建和操作建筑模型和计划
  • 创建并呈现符合行业标准和建筑规范的技术图纸
  • 描述和解释空间设计、文化和技术之间的关系
  • Investigate contemporary societal and environmental issues involved in the design process in an ethical manner
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学生准备在各种行业工作,包括CAD设计或绘图, 建筑和施工, 制造与制造, 木工, 机械设计.


  • 数控加工学院


  • 社区精神健康


  • 机械制图 & 设计
